Information Security Awareness For Women By Information Security Education & Awarenes

Information Security Education & Awareness Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology Government of India Women play a crucial role in the growth of the economy. Over the years Indian women have contributed to the development of the nation. A large number of women are in the forefront leading 
various corporate organizations. They have contributed well to the entrepreneurial programs as well. But still there are women who need to be empowered through education and motivate tocome forward to dream bigger and to realize their dreams. Digital India movement the flagship programme of Indian government has given importance to empowering women digitally and also 
to make them more liberated, strong and empowered by participating in the development of the nation. Digital India has the main mandate of digital services accessible for all class of people in India and also has a focus on social and economic empowerment of women. 

At present Internet users India are near to 500 million with an estimate of 143 million female internet users overall, which is approximately 30% of total Internet users in India. Cyber crimes against women are on the rise and have been drastically victimized in the cyberspace. Some negative minded people try to defame women by sending obscene e-mails, stalking women by using chat rooms, websites etc, spoofing e-mails, morphing of images for pornographic content etc. Massive awareness needs to be created among women regarding the safe use of Mobile Phones, Computers and the Internet. While digital India is paving its way in urban and rural India, the underlining digital gender gap still persists. Digital literacy is therefore a key to ensure everyone stays informed, engaged and safe online. Even though today’s women and are strong and equally contributing towards the development of 
the society, women still face issues of abuse in physical as well as cyber world. Even though cyber crimes in general are considered to be gender neutral the problems and issues faced by women 
are different and more damaging and creates intense agony. Considering the sensitivity behind the issues faced by women in India, Information Security Education & Awareness has created a 
Handbook exclusively for women in India. This Cyber Security Handbook for women would help women to follow safety measures while using the cyber space and derive benefits by safe use of cyber space.

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