Finance & Banking Abbreviations


Bank account statement Analysis Keywords
ATMAutomated Teller Machine
GSTGoods and Services Tax
IMPSImmediate Payment Service
MDRMerchant Discount Rate
MSFMerchant Service Fee
NEFTNational Electronic Funds Transfer
NPCINational Payments Corporation of India
PAPayment Aggregator
PGPayment Gateway
PoSPoint of Sale
PPIPrepaid Payment Instrument
PSOPayment System Operator
PSPPayment Service Provider
PSS ActPayment and Settlement Systems Act, 2007
QRQuick Response
RBIReserve Bank of India
RTGSReal Time Gross Settlement
TPAPThird Party Application Provider
UPIUnified Payments Interface

Finance & Banking Abbreviations

ZIRP - Zero Interest Rate Policy
ZBB - Zero-Based Budgeting
YTM - Yield to Maturity
YTD - Year-To-Date
YTD - Year to Date
XBRL - eXtensible Business Reporting Language
WTO - World Trade Organization
WPI - Wholesale Price Index
WACC - Weighted Average Cost of Capital
VIX - CBOE Volatility Index
VC - Venture Capital
VAT - Value-Added Tax
VAT - Value Added Tax
VAR - Value at Risk
USP - Unique Selling Proposition
USD - United States Dollar
UPI - Unique Product Identifier
UPI - Unified Payments Interface
UHNWI - Ultra High Net Worth Individual
UCITS - Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities
UCC - Uniform Commercial Code
UBS - Union Bank of Switzerland
TTM - Trailing Twelve Months
TIPS - Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities
TIN - Taxpayer Identification Number
TDS - Tax Deducted at Source
T-Bill - Treasury Bill
TARP - Troubled Asset Relief Program
T+1, T+2, etc - Settlement time after trade execution (T = trade date)
SWOT - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats
SWIFT - Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
STT - Securities Transaction Tax
SRO - Self-Regulatory Organization
SPAC - Special Purpose Acquisition Company
SOW - Statement of Work
SME - Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
SGB - Sovereign Gold Bond
SEZ - Special Economic Zone
SEPA - Single Euro Payments Area
SEC - Securities and Exchange Commission
SEBI - Securities and Exchange Board of India
SDR - Special Drawing Rights
SBA - Small Business Administration
SAR - Suspicious Activity Report
SaaS - Software as a Service
S&P - Standard & Poor's
RWA - Risk-Weighted Assets
RTGS - Real Time Gross Settlement
RSI - Relative Strength Index
RoR - Rate of Return
ROIC - Return on Invested Capital
ROI - Return on Investment
ROE - Return on Equity
ROC - Registrar of Companies
ROA - Return on Assets
RIA - Registered Investment Advisor
RFP - Request for Proposal
REIT - Real Estate Investment Trust
RBI - Reserve Bank of India
RAROC - Risk-Adjusted Return on Capital
R&D - Research and Development
Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 - First, Second, Third, and Fourth Quarter, respectively
PSU - Public Sector Undertaking
PSD - Payment Services Directive
PR - Public Relations
PPP - Purchasing Power Parity
PPP - Public-Private Partnership
PPI - Producer Price Index
PPC - Pay Per Click
POS - Point of Sale
PNB - Punjab National Bank
PMS - Portfolio Management Services
PIN - Personal Identification Number
PEG - Price-to-Earnings-to-Growth ratio
PEG - Price/Earnings-to-Growth ratio
PE - Price to Earnings ratio
PBT - Profit Before Tax
PBOC - People's Bank of China
PAN - Permanent Account Number
P/E - Price-to-Earnings Ratio
P&L - Profit and Loss
OTC - Over-The-Counter
OPM - Other People's Money
OIBDA - Operating Income Before Depreciation and Amortization
OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer
ODI - Overseas Direct Investment
OCR - Optical Character Recognition
OCC - Options Clearing Corporation
OCC - Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
NWC - Net Working Capital
NSE - National Stock Exchange
NSDL - National Securities Depository Limited
NRE - Non-Resident External Account
NPL - Non-Performing Loan
NPA - Non-Performing Asset
NISM - National Institute of Securities Markets
NII - Net Interest Income
NGO - Non-Governmental Organization
NFA - National Futures Association
NEFT - National Electronic Funds Transfer
NDA - Non-Disclosure Agreement
NBFIs - Non-Banking Financial Institutions
NAV - Net Asset Value
NASDAQ - National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations
NABARD - National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
MSRB - Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board
MIS - Management Information System
MIFID - Markets in Financial Instruments Directive
MFI - Microfinance Institution
MF - Mutual Fund
MDR - Merchant Discount Rate
MD&A - Management Discussion and Analysis
MBS - Mortgage-Backed Securities
M&A - Mergers and Acquisitions
M&A - Merger and Acquisition
LTV - Loan-to-Value Ratio
LSE - London Stock Exchange
LOC - Letter of Credit
LME - London Metal Exchange
LLP - Limited Liability Partnership
LIBOR - London Interbank Offered Rate
LIBID - London Interbank Bid Rate
LCR - Liquidity Coverage Ratio
LBO - Leveraged Buyout
KYC - Know Your Customer
KPI - Key Performance Indicator
JPY - Japanese Yen
ITIN - Individual Taxpayer Identification Number
ISO - International Organization for Standardization
ISIN - International Securities Identification Number
ISA - Individual Savings Account
IRS - Internal Revenue Service
IRR - Internal Rate of Return
IRA - Individual Retirement Account
IR - Interest Rate
IPO - Initial Public Offering
IMF - International Monetary Fund
IFSC - Indian Financial System Code
IFRS - International Financial Reporting Standards
IDBI - Industrial Development Bank of India
ICO - Initial Coin Offering
ICICI - Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India
IBC - Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code
IBAN - International Bank Account Number
IASB - International Accounting Standards Board
IAS - International Accounting Standards
HNWI - High Net Worth Individual
HNW - High Net Worth
HHI - Herfindahl-Hirschman Index
HFT - High-Frequency Trading
GST - Goods and Services Tax
GSE - Government-Sponsored Enterprise
GNI - Gross National Income
GL - General Ledger
GIC - Guaranteed Investment Certificate
GFCI - Global Financial Centres Index
GFC - Global Financial Crisis
GDR - Global Depositary Receipt
GDP - Gross Domestic Product
GATT - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
GARP - Global Association of Risk Professionals
GAAP - Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
FY - Fiscal Year
FX - Foreign Exchange
FV - Fair Value
FTE - Full-Time Equivalent
FSA - Financial Services Authority
FPO - Follow-on Public Offering
FOREX - Foreign Exchange
FOMO - Fear of Missing Out
FOMC - Federal Open Market Committee
FINTECH - Financial Technology
FINRA - Financial Industry Regulatory Authority
FINCEN - Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
FIFO - First-In, First-Out
FICO - Fair Isaac Corporation (credit scoring system)
FHLB - Federal Home Loan Bank
FHFA - Federal Housing Finance Agency
FDIC - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
FDI - Foreign Direct Investment
FCRA - Fair Credit Reporting Act
FCNR - Foreign Currency Non-Resident Account
FBO - For the Benefit Of
FATF - Financial Action Task Force
FATCA - Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act
FASB - Financial Accounting Standards Board
FAANG - Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google
ETF - Exchange-Traded Fund
ESOP - Employee Stock Ownership Plan
ERISA - Employee Retirement Income Security Act
EPS - Earnings Per Share
EMV - Europay, Mastercard, and Visa (chip-enabled credit cards)
EMI - Equated Monthly Installment
EM - Emerging Markets
EGP - Egyptian Pound
ECB - European Central Bank
EBRD - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
EBITDA - Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization
EBIT - Earnings Before Interest and Taxes
EBA - European Banking Authority
DVP - Delivery Versus Payment
DRIP - Dividend Reinvestment Plan
DRG - Diagnosis-Related Group
DPA - Data Protection Authority
DEB - Debt-to-Equity Ratio
DDA - Demand Deposit Account
DCF - Discounted Cash Flow
DBS - Development Bank of Singapore
DAC - Deferred Acquisition Costs
CVV - Card Verification Value
CVC - Corporate Venture Capital
CTC - Cost to Company
CTA - Call to Action
CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility
CSO - Chief Security Officer
CRR - Cash Reserve Ratio
CRM - Customer Relationship Management
CRISIL - Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited
CRA - Community Reinvestment Act
CPS - Central Processing System
CPI - Consumer Price Index
CPE - Continuing Professional Education
CPD - Continuing Professional Development
CP - Commercial Paper
COO - Chief Operating Officer
COGS - Cost of Goods Sold
CNY - Chinese Yuan Renminbi
CME - Chicago Mercantile Exchange
CMBS - Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities
CMA - Certified Management Accountant
CMA - Capital Market Authority
CIB - Corporate and Investment Banking
CHIPS - Clearing House Interbank Payments System
CFTC - Commodity Futures Trading Commission
CFPB - Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
CFP - Certified Financial Planner
CFO - Chief Financial Officer
CFI - Cash Flow Index
CFD - Contract for Difference
CEO - Chief Executive Officer
CEA - Consumer Electronics Association
CDS - Credit Default Swap
CDO - Collateralized Debt Obligation
CDO - Chief Data Officer
CCY - Currency
CCJ - County Court Judgment
CCI - Consumer Confidence Index
CCAR - Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review
CBSE - Central Board of Secondary Education
CAT - Consolidated Audit Trail
CAPM - Capital Asset Pricing Model
CAMELS - Capital, Asset Quality, Management, Earnings, Liquidity, and Sensitivity to Market Risk
CAGR - Compound Annual Growth Rate
CAD - Canadian Dollar
BPS - Basis Points
BPO - Business Process Outsourcing
BLS - Bureau of Labor Statistics
BIS - Bank for International Settlements
BDC - Business Development Company
BCBS - Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
BaaS - Banking as a Service
B2C - Business-to-Consumer
B2C - Business to Consumer
B2B - Business-to-Business
B2B - Business to Business
AUM - Assets Under Management
ATM - Automated Teller Machine
ARPU - Average Revenue Per User
ARM - Adjustable Rate Mortgage
APY - Annual Percentage Yield
APR - Annual Percentage Rate
API - Application Programming Interface
AP - Accounts Payable
AML/KYC - Anti-Money Laundering/Know Your Customer
AML - Anti-Money Laundering
AI - Artificial Intelligence
ADR - American Depository Receipt
ADR - American Depositary Receipt
ACH - Automated Clearing House
ABS - Asset-Backed Securities
ABM - Automated Banking Machine
AD - Authorized Dealer
ABM - Assistant Branch Manager
AEPS - Aadhaar Enabled Payments Switch
AFS - Annual Financial Statement
AGM - Annual General Meeting
ASSOCHAM - Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India
AIF - Alternative Investment Fund
AIC - Agricultural Insurance Company
ALM - Asset Liability Management
ARC - Asset Reconstruction Companies
ACS - Automated Clearing System
ADB - Asian Development Bank
ADF - Automated Data Flow
AMFL - Association of Mutual Funds in India
APBS - Aadhaar Payment Bridge System
ANBC - Adjusted Net Bank Credit
ACF - Auto Correlation Function
ABEDA - Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa
AMRMS - Audit and Risk Monitoring Mechanism
ALCO - Asset Liability Committee
AMFI - Association of Mutual Fund in India.
ASBA - Application Supported by Blocked Account.
BSR - Basic Statistical Returns
BOP - Balance of Payments
BOE - Bill of Exchange
BOT - Build, Operate and Transfer
BSE - Bombay Stock Exchange
BRA - Banking Regulations Act
BCSBI - Banking codes and standards board of India.
BIRD - Bankers Institute of Rural Development.
BIS - Bank for International Settlements.
BPLR - Benchmark Prime Lending Rate.
CAD - Capital Account Deficit.
CCIL - Clearing Corporation of India Limited
CASA - Current and Savings Account.
CDRS - Corporate Debt Restructuring
CMIS - Currency Management Information System
CAD - Current Account Deficit
CPFF - Commercial Paper Funding Facility
COB - Corporation Bank
CAR - Capital Adequacy Ratio
CARE - Credit Analysis and Research Limited
CBS - Core Banking Solutions
CCEA - Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs.
CRILC - Central Repository of Information on Large Credits
CDR - Corporate Debt Restructuring
CRISIL - Credit Rating Information Services Of India
CRMD - Credit Risk Management Department
CA - Chartered Accountant
CBLO - Collateralized Bank Lending Obligations
CECA - Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement.
CNP - Card Not Present
CEPA - Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement.
CTI - Country Threat Index
CIBIL - Credit Information Bureau of India Limited.
CRAR - Capital to Risk-weighted Assets Ratio.
CRISIL - Credit Rating and Investment Services India Limited.
CRR - Cash Reserve Ratio.
DTAA - Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement.
DRAT - Debt Recovery Appellate Tribunal
DSCR - Debt Service Coverage Ratio
DPN - Demand Promissory Note
DPG - Deferred Payment Guarantee
DRI - Differential Rate of Interest
EADB - East African Development Bank
ECBs - External Commercial Borrowings
ECS - Electronic Clearing System
EDI - Electronic Data Interchange
ELSS - Equity Linked Saving Scheme
EFTPOS - Electronic Funds Transfer At Point Of Sale
EEFC - Exchange Earners’ Foreign Currency
EPFO - Employees’ Provident Fund Organization
EDF - Export Development Fund
EDP - Entrepreneurship Development Programme
EFT - Electronic Fund Transfer
EIB - European Investment Bank
EMI - Equated Monthly Installments
EXIM - Export Import Bank of India
FCNRA - Foreign Currency Nonresident Account
EPOS - Electronic Point Of Sale
FOB - Free On Board
FIMMDA - Fixed Income Money Markets and Derivatives Association
FDI - Foreign Direct Investment.
FICCI - Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
FEMA - Foreign Exchange Management Act
FERA - Foreign Exchange Regulation Act
FINO - Financial Inclusion Network Operation
FIPB - Foreign Investment Promotion Board
FPI - Foreign Portfolio Investment.
FRBMA - Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act
FSLRC - Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission
FSRASC - Financial Sector Regulatory Appointment Search Committee
GAAR - General Anti Avoidance Rule
GIRO - Government Internal Revenue Order
GMS - Gold Monetization Scheme
GST - Goods and Service Tax
GSTN - Goods and Services Network
GNP - Gross National Product
HDFC - Housing Development Finance Corporation
IBA - Indian Bank Associations.
ICA - Indian Council of Agricultural Research
IIB - International Investment Bank
ICRA - Indian Credit Rating Agency.
IRBI - Industrial Reconstruction Bank Of India
IPPB - India Post Payments Bank
IBRD - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
ISCI - International Standard Industrial Classification
IMPS - Immediate Payment Service
IRDA - Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India
INFINET - Indian Financial Network
IROs - Interest Rate Options
KCC - Kisan Credit Card
KMB - Kotak Mahindra Bank
KVB - Karur Vysya Bank
KVP - Kisan Vikas Patra
KVIC - Khadi and Village Industries Corporation
LIBOR - London Inter-Bank Offered Rate.
LAB - Local Area Bank
LAF - Liquidity Adjustment Facility
LAMPS - Large Sized Adivasi Multipurpose Societies
LIC - Life Insurance Company
LTCG - Long Term Capital Gains
MICR . - Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
MSF - Marginal Standing Facility.
MSS - Market Stabilization Scheme
MTN - Medium Term Note
MUDRA - Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency
NABARD - National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development.
NDTL - Net Demand and Time Liabilities.
NEFT - National Electronic Fund Transfer.
NPA - Non-Performing Assets.
NDA - Net Domestic Asset
NDS - Negotiated Dealing Systems
NECS - Net Demand and Time Liability
NPCI - National Payments Corporation of India.
OCB - Overseas Corporate Bodies
OMO - Open Market Operations
OLTAS - Online Tax Accounting System
OTCEI - Over the Counter Exchange of India
PIN - Personal Identification Number.
PPP - Purchasing Power Parity/ Public Private Partnership.
PFRDA - Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority
PIS - Portfolio Investment Scheme
PRSF - Partial Risk Sharing Facility
PACS - Primary Agricultural Credit Societies
PSB - Public Sector Bank.
RTGS - Real Time Gross Settlement.
ROA - Return On Investment
RIDF - Rural Infrastructure Development Fund
SENSEX - Sensitive Index of Stock Exchange.
SIDBI . - Small Industries Development Bank of India
SLR - Statutory Liquidity Ratio.
SLRS - Scheme for Liberation and Rehabilitation of Scavengers
SIPS - Systematically Important Payment System
SPNS - Shared Payment Network System
SWIFT - Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication.
TIN - Tax Information Network/ Telephone Identification Number
UIDAI - Unique Identification Development Authority of India.
UTI - Unit Trust of India
UPIN - Unique Property Identification Numbers
USSD - Unstructured Supplementary Service Data
UPI - United Payment Interface.
WBCIS - Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme
WCTL - Working Capital Term Loan


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