Most used OSINT tools from Github


 Sherlok is a social media tracker that can search for a particular user name or nickname on different social networks.  Include information about people's connections on Facebook or Twitter.  Sherlok can be used with other OSINT tools like Maltego or FOCA to gather additional information about a person's interests or connections within a community.


 Twint is an advanced OSINT extraction tool purely for Twitter.  Twint can be used for multiple tasks, such as:

 - Analyze tweets and determine if they are false or not
 - Find influential people in your industry
 - Track events or breaking news on Twitter
 - Tracking the activity of a particular user


 Phoneinfoga is a tool to look up international phone numbers.  It allows you to collect origin information such as country, area, carrier, and line type.


 SpiderFoot collects information about companies, people and websites.  Supports the collection of information from search engines, social networks, blogs and forums.  It also allows you to extract data from different file formats, such as PDF, HTML, Word documents, etc.


 TheHarvester is a tool to search subdomains, email addresses, and people's names to find information related to the target.


 This tool allows you to search for information about a person or organization.  It works by tracking various social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter.  It also provides information about associated IP addresses.


 Photon can crawl a website and extract all the valuable information from that website like emails and social media accounts and more.


 Trap allows you to collect, search and analyze data from 50 different sources and analyze it in one place.  It has an intuitive interface, making it easy to use.


 Ghunt can be used to investigate Google and Github accounts.


 Subfinder is used to passively discover subdomains on a website.

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