What is Cyber Grooming ?


Cyber grooming refers to the process by which an individual, often an adult, uses the internet to establish an emotional connection with a child in order to gain their trust and prepare them for sexual exploitation. It can take many forms, including sending messages or images that are inappropriate for children, encouraging a child to share personal information, or arranging to meet in person.

To prevent cyber grooming, you can take the following steps:

  • Talk to your children about the dangers of talking to strangers online and encourage them to come to you if they encounter anything that makes them feel uncomfortable.
  • Set guidelines for your child's internet use, such as when they can use the internet and for how long, and make sure they understand the importance of not sharing personal information online.
  • Use parental control software to monitor your child's internet use and limit their access to inappropriate content.
  • Educate your child on how to identify and report suspicious messages, images, or online interactions.
  • Encourage your child to be open and honest with you about their online interactions and activities.
  • Make sure your child knows not to meet someone in person that they've only talked to online.
  • Check your child's social media accounts and mobile phone regularly and ask them about any interactions or messages that you don't recognize.
  • Be aware that grooming can happen on any platform, not only social media sites, but also gaming, messaging or dating apps.
  • Be aware that the groomer may pretend to be a child or teenager themselves, or use a fake identity.
  • If you suspect that your child is being groomed online, contact your local law enforcement immediately and provide them with any evidence you have

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