Fact-Check: Beware of Fake Messages Offering Free Laptops on Social Media

In recent days, a message with a link claiming to offer free laptops for youth has been circulating on social media platforms. The message urges users to click on the provided link to book the laptop and asks for personal details.

However, the Press Information Bureau (PIB) of India has issued a fact-check and declared the message and the link as fake. The PIB has warned users to be cautious while sharing personal information on the internet.

Cybercriminals often use such tactics to lure unsuspecting victims into sharing their personal information. They may use the information to commit fraud or identity theft. Therefore, it is crucial to be vigilant and not share personal information unless you are sure of the authenticity of the source.

In conclusion, the message circulating on social media platforms offering free laptops is fake, and users should avoid clicking on the link or sharing their personal information. Stay safe online and be cautious while sharing personal information.

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