Telegram App Scams: How to Spot Them and Steps to Protect Yourself


In recent times, cyber fraud through the Telegram application has become a common occurrence. Cybercriminals are using various modus operandi to cheat people out of their hard-earned money. Here are some of the common methods used by these fraudsters:

Online Job/Part-time job scams:

These scammers lure people with the promise of high commission for completing tasks. They ask for a deposit of money to start the job, and once the deposit is made, they disappear.

Crypto Currency Scams: 

Fraudsters ask people to invest money in crypto currency, promising huge returns. Once the money is deposited, they disappear.

Fake Trading/Investment Channels:

Scammers create fake channels with names similar to real trading channels. They provide fake information about trading and investment opportunities and block the money by putting it in a fraud account.

Product Shopping and Software Scams:

Scammers ask people to deposit money in the name of increasing their rating with the help of product shopping and software on Telegram. Once the money is deposited, they block the money and delete the group.

To protect yourself from such scams, here are some precautions you can take:

  • To protect yourself from such scams, here are some precautions you can take:
  • Do not join any unknown profile, group or channel on Telegram or click on any given link.
  • Do not deposit money in any account in the name of fees, registration, advance trading money in the greed of huge profits on crypto currency investment, shopping or job offers, etc.
  • Do not enter your personal information on any app/webpage opened through a link on Telegram.
  • Enable two-factor authentication on all your social media and email accounts, so that your accounts cannot be hacked easily.
  • If any cyber crime happens to you, report it to your nearest police station or or toll-free number 1930.
In conclusion, it is important to stay vigilant and cautious when using Telegram and other social media platforms. By taking necessary precautions, you can protect yourself from cyber fraud and ensure your safety online.

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