In today's fast-paced world, having access to accurate and detailed weather forecasts is essential for a variety of outdoor activities and industries. Whether you're a pilot, paraglider, surfer, or simply planning a weekend getaway, is the go-to app for visualizing weather forecasts. This blog post will explore the extraordinary features and data sources that make stand out as a powerful, reliable, and user-friendly weather forecast tool.


1. All-in-One Forecast Models: brings together all the world's leading weather forecasting models, including global ECMWF, GFS, ICON, and more. With access to local models like NEMS, AROME, UKV, ICON EU, and ICON-D2 (for Europe) as well as NAM, HRRR (for the USA), and ACCESS (for Australia), you can explore various forecast scenarios and make informed decisions based on the most up-to-date information.

2. Comprehensive Weather Maps:

With 51 weather maps available, provides a wide range of information, including wind patterns, rainfall, temperature, pressure, swell, and CAPE index. These maps are conveniently organized and easily accessible, allowing you to track specific weather conditions that matter to you.

3. Satellite & Doppler Radar Coverage: integrates global satellite composites from NOAA, EUMETSAT, and Himawari, providing you with near real-time visualizations of weather patterns worldwide. Additionally, Doppler radar coverage spans large parts of Europe, America, Asia, and Australia, offering detailed insights into precipitation and storm activity.

4. Point of Interests: goes beyond traditional weather apps by allowing you to overlay observed wind and temperature data, forecasted weather, airports worldwide, an extensive collection of weather webcams, and more directly onto the map. This feature is especially useful for pilots, paragliders, and outdoor enthusiasts who need precise information for their activities.

5. Customizable and User-Friendly Interface: offers a highly customizable interface, enabling users to personalize their weather visualization experience. From adding favorite weather maps to the quick menu to customizing color palettes and accessing advanced options, caters to weather geeks and professionals who want to tailor the app to their specific needs.

Before the Storm:

1. Stay informed: Keep yourself updated on the storm's progress by tuning in to reliable sources such as the radio, television, news outlets, and advertisements. Pay attention to the weather forecast and any evacuation orders or warnings issued by local authorities.

2. Secure boats and evacuate coastal areas: If you live in a coastal region or near water bodies, ensure that boats are moored in safe locations and coastal villagers should follow evacuation instructions from authorities to move to designated safe places.

3. Reinforce your home: Strengthen windows, doors, and the roof of your house to minimize potential damage. Clear your surroundings of any loose objects or debris that may become hazardous during strong winds.

4. Prepare an emergency kit: Collect and organize essential items such as lanterns, torches, batteries, non-perishable food items, water, extra clothes, and a battery-operated radio. Place valuable items in plastic bags and consider moving them upstairs or to higher ground if possible.

5. Ensure vehicle readiness: Check and maintain your vehicles to ensure they are in good working condition. This is particularly important if you may need to evacuate quickly.

6. Protect animals: Move animals to a safe and secure location where they will be protected from the storm's impact.

During the Storm:

1. Seek shelter: Stay indoors and avoid going outside during the storm. Find a safe room in your house, preferably an interior room without windows, and stay away from water sources, trees, and poles that may pose a risk.

2. Power and connection safety: Turn off electrical power and unplug appliances to prevent potential damage from power surges. Avoid using landline phones and electrical equipment until the storm has passed to reduce the risk of electric shock.

3. Stay informed: If possible, contact local authorities or the control room to gather accurate and up-to-date information about the storm's progress and any necessary precautions. Refrain from spreading rumors and rely on verified sources of information.

After the Storm:

1. Follow instructions: Only venture outside or leave your shelter when authorities provide the all-clear and it is deemed safe to do so. Follow any instructions or guidance provided by emergency services.

2. Exercise caution: Avoid wading through floodwaters, as they may be contaminated or hide hidden hazards. Be mindful of downed power lines and do not touch or attempt to repair them yourself. Report any such hazards to the relevant authorities.

3. Assist the injured: Provide first aid to the injured if you have the knowledge and resources, and arrange for medical assistance as soon as possible. Prioritize rescuing individuals trapped in debris and coordinate with emergency services if necessary.

4. Assess and address damage: Immediately address any structurally compromised or dangerous buildings by initiating their demolition or seeking professional assistance. Take photographs or videos of the damage for insurance purposes if applicable.

5. Safe water usage: Use only chlorinated drinking water or bottled water until the local water supply is declared safe. Avoid consuming or using water that may be contaminated by the storm.

6. Proper waste disposal: Dispose of any medications or household chemicals that may have come into contact with contaminated water. Follow local guidelines for disposing of debris and damaged materials.

Important Link :

India Meteorological Department Ministry Of Earth Sciences Government Of India official website Link 

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