Revolutionizing Rath Yatra: Ahmedabad City Police and Anant University's Groundbreaking 3D Mapping and Monitoring System

The Rath Yatra Festival held in Ahmedabad now integrates with a cutting-edge 3D mapping system which monitors its events in real-time - it's a breakthrough advancement in event management that equally prioritizes public safety concerns. This novel feature was developed through collaboration between Anant University along with the city police department giving emphasis on monitoring large-scale events while ensuring their seamless execution by opening up new standards! There exists information-rich dashboards that provide comprehensive data to authorities concerning crowd management thereby enabling them to make data-driven decisions during emergencies effectively. Advanced technological tools such as 3D mapping capabilities combined with imaging sourced from AI-based programs are enabled via GPS integrated features make it highly efficient for tracking both chariots as well as their devotees whilst also calculating crowd densities; hence facilitating timely decision making whilst coordinating responses effectively. 
Having successfully implemented such technological innovations not only ensures enhanced safety & security measures during the Rath Yatra Festival but could potentially be extended towards other similar public gatherings & urban planning purposes in the future. The collaboration between the city's law enforcement department and educational institutions highlights the ultimate power of partnerships in driving innovation & advancing event management practices.

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