Fact-Check: Beware of Fake News No Free Laptops Under Prime Minister Free Laptop Scheme 2023

In recent days, a notice has been circulating on social media platforms, claiming that the Government of India is offering free laptops to the youth through the Prime Minister Free Laptop Scheme 2023. However, the Press Information Bureau (PIB) has confirmed that this notice is indeed fake. The PIB, the official communication arm of the Government of India, has clarified that no such scheme is being run by the Ministry of Education.
It's crucial to exercise caution and verify information before sharing it on social media. Misinformation can spread rapidly and cause confusion among the public. In this case, the fake notice about free laptops can lead to false expectations among young individuals seeking educational support.
To ensure that you are receiving accurate and reliable information, always rely on official government sources and trusted news outlets. Don't fall prey to fake news and rumors that can potentially harm your understanding of government initiatives and policies. Stay informed, but stay cautious as well.

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