In a recent triumph for the Cybercrime Branch of Ahmedabad city, a cunning job scam operation has been unraveled. Accused of treachery and fraud, the alleged culprits, Mushtaq Anshari, Munna Chauhan, Dinesh Yadav, and Vidhya Sagar, devised an elaborate scheme to cheat individuals seeking employment abroad. Operating under the guise of a fictitious company named "S.D. Tours & Travels," they managed to dupe unsuspecting victims of a staggering sum totaling Rs 22,40,000.
The Deceptive Ploy:
From November 2022 to April 25, 2023, the accused orchestrated a premeditated conspiracy. They strategically placed misleading advertisements in newspapers, falsely identifying their operation as "S.D. Tours & Travels." These ads promised lucrative job opportunities in Cambodia for positions such as drivers, helpers, and laborers. To ensnare their victims, the accused collected original passports, issued bogus "Employment Offer Letters" purportedly from a fictitious "GILL company in Cambodia," and distributed airline tickets, often in fragmented, cash-and-online transactions.
The Modus Operandi:
The accused established an office at Office No. 303, 3rd Floor, opposite Kochrab Ashram, SPAN Trade Center, Ahmedabad, to lend credibility to their scam. Operating under the banner of "S.D. Tours & Travels," they meticulously placed their fraudulent advertisements, enticing job seekers with promises of low-cost, high-paying positions abroad. This modus operandi enabled them to extract substantial sums of money from unsuspecting victims.
Background of the Accused:
Mushtaq Anshari, the alleged mastermind, studied up to class 9 at the Government Secondary School in Bhelwa Circle, District East Champaran, Motihari, Bihar. Subsequently, he dropped out of school and ventured into tuition classes. Before becoming embroiled in this criminal enterprise, Mushtaq worked as a driver in Saudi Arabia for two years.
The arrest of the accused individuals in this job scam case serves as a testament to the relentless efforts of the Cybercrime Branch in Ahmedabad. It also underscores the importance of vigilance for job seekers, who must exercise caution when pursuing opportunities abroad. By shedding light on the intricate web of deception spun by these fraudsters, this case stands as a warning against falling victim to similar scams. It is a reminder that, in the digital age, it is crucial to verify the authenticity of employment offers and remain cautious of too-good-to-be-true opportunities.