How to Report a Phishing Website to Google Safe Browsing: Step-by-Step Guide

In today's digital landscape, online security is paramount. Phishing attacks, where malicious actors create deceptive websites to steal personal information, continue to threaten internet users. To combat this menace, Google Safe Browsing provides a vital service. If you come across a suspicious webpage impersonating a legitimate site, you can report it to Google. By doing so, you contribute to safeguarding the web and its users. Google analyzes reported sites and takes action against policy violators, making the internet a safer place for all. Protect yourself and others by reporting phishing pages and fortifying online security.

Step 1: Open the Google Safe Browsing Reporting Page

Begin by opening your web browser and visiting the Google Safe Browsing reporting page at

Step 2: Enter the Phishing URL

On the reporting page, you will find a text field labeled "Phishing URL." This is where you should enter the exact web address (URL) of the phishing website you want to report. Be sure to copy and paste the URL to ensure accuracy.

Step 3: Prove You're Not a Robot

Google uses a CAPTCHA verification system to ensure that reports are submitted by humans and not automated bots. Complete the CAPTCHA challenge as prompted. This step helps maintain the integrity of the reporting process.

Step 4: Provide Additional Details (Optional)

While not mandatory, providing additional details about the phishing violation can be helpful in the investigation process. You can describe any specific information or actions that led you to believe the website is a phishing site. This step is optional but encouraged for a more comprehensive report.

Step 5: Submit Your Report

Once you've filled in the necessary information, click the "Submit" button. Google will then receive your report and take appropriate action to investigate the reported phishing website. Your contribution plays a crucial role in enhancing online security.


Reporting phishing websites to Google Safe Browsing is a simple yet vital step in combatting online threats. By following this step-by-step guide, you can help protect yourself and others from falling victim to phishing scams. Your proactive reporting can make the internet a safer place for everyone.
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