Beware of Scams: Protect Yourself from Fraudulent Activities Surrounding Ram Mandir Inauguration

As the much-awaited inauguration of the Ram Mandir approaches, a surge in scams targeting devotees has been observed. This article aims to shed light on the types of scams trending in the name of the Ram Mandir and provides a step-by-step guide on how to protect yourself and report incidents.

1.Home Delivery of Prasad Scams:

Scammers may offer home delivery of prasad, claiming it's blessed from the Ram Mandir. To stay safe, only rely on official sources for prasad and verify authenticity through the temple's official channels.

2.Invitations for Inauguration Scams:

Be cautious of unsolicited invitations for the inauguration. Genuine invitations are usually distributed through official channels and not via random emails or messages. Verify the authenticity of any invitation before taking any action.

3.VIP Temple Visits Scams:

Fraudsters might promise exclusive VIP visits to the temple. Remember that access to religious sites is generally managed by official authorities, and any unsolicited offers should be treated with skepticism. Verify such offers through the temple administration.

4.Fraudulent Donation Pleas:

Beware of fake donation pleas claiming to be for inauguration-related expenses. Official donation drives are typically organized through authorized platforms and channels. Verify donation requests directly with the temple administration before contributing.

5.Offering Puja Scams:

Scammers may approach individuals, offering to perform pujas on their behalf for a fee. Authentic puja services are generally arranged through the temple or recognized priests. Avoid engaging with unknown individuals or services and verify their legitimacy.

Protect Yourself – Step-by-Step Guide:

1.Verify Sources:

Before engaging with any offer or invitation, verify its authenticity through official channels such as the temple's website, official emails, or contact numbers.

2. Official Communication:

Trust only official communications from the temple administration. Avoid responding to unsolicited emails, messages, or phone calls related to the Ram Mandir inauguration.

3.Donation Channels:

Contribute to inauguration-related expenses only through authorized donation channels. Check the temple's official website for verified platforms and methods of donation.

4.Personal Information:

Avoid sharing personal information with unknown individuals or services claiming to be associated with the temple. Official entities do not usually ask for sensitive information through unofficial channels.

5.Stay Informed:

Keep yourself informed about the latest updates and guidelines issued by the temple administration regarding the inauguration. Following official social media accounts and subscribing to newsletters can help.

Reporting Scams:

If you've fallen victim to a scam or encountered suspicious activities, report the incident on the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal or call #1930. Provide as much detail as possible to assist authorities in their investigations.

As the excitement surrounding the Ram Mandir inauguration grows, so does the potential for scams. Staying vigilant, verifying information, and reporting suspicious activities are crucial steps in ensuring a safe and secure experience for all devotees. Together, we can protect the sanctity of this historic event and contribute to a meaningful celebration.

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